
Poor Jokes, as they are called

Q: What's the difference between a fly & a mosquito?

A: Simple! A fly can fly, but a mosquito cannot mosquito!

Q: What did baby corn ask mom corn?

A: Where is Pop corn?

Q: Why is the River Rich?

A: It has two Banks!

Q: What do computers like to eat?

A: Chips!

Q: Why did the teacher wear sunglasses to School?

A: She had a Bright Student.

Q: When does Gulshan Grover become Gulshan Grocer?

A: When he travels with the speed of light. Because, at that speed, 'V'elocity = 'C'onstant.

Q: Why did the girl changed her name from Shruti to Shraxis?

A: Because UTI bank is now Axis bank. Therefore, Shruti Shraxis

Q: A cow standing on the road keeps shouting 'F'.. 'F'.. Why???

A: Because F=ma (Newton’s Second Law)

Q: Three cockroaches are walking on the road. Suddenly one of them starts singing 'Tujhe Dekha To Yeh Jaana Sanam...' And the other two die immediately. Why?

A: Because it was a HIT song.

Q: A scientist disconnected his doorbell. Can u guess why?

A: he wanted to win the No-bell prize!

Q: Who is the only Aussie cricketer who always smiles, even if he is declared out?

A: Hussey.

Q: What did the policeman say when he arrested Hussey?

A: Hussey to phasi!

Q. What would an Englishman say to his Indian servant who can only understand Hindi if he wants him to open the door?

A. “There Was a Cold Day "(say it fast)

Q: Who played a double role in the movie Sholay?

A: King George- He was there on both sides of the coin.


The Author said...

good jokes!!!

Sachi Nekkanti said...
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Rajesh said...

HIT jokes !! :D

Gopi said...

nice collection!